
Gadgets that make life easier or at least more fun!

nerdy looking dog

I know what you are thinking---Gadgets are for "techies". Nerdy geeks who program computers and devices to take over the world. NOT!!!! Gadgets are not only for techies no more than cars are for auto mechanics. Gadgets actually, like cars, are for the common people to make their life easier (or more fun!). Just think about how some so-called gadgets have made your life easier. Is not a blender easier to make a smoothie than stirring with a spoon a thousand times? How about a lawn mower instead of clipping grass by hand? Every heard of a food processor or electric chopper? How about a simple washer/dryer? Do you know how much time it would take to wash all of your clothes by hand and hang them up to dry?? (trust me, I've done it as a child!)

Now with the internet we can do research that used to take days, weeks even. People today don't have the joy of going to the library and scrolling through microfiche for old newspaper articles. Young generations don't have the pleasure of pursing the 12-volune encyclopedia for historic facts, that now we just ask Siri. Generations X, Y, Z, or whoever haven't had to run out and by a new needle to play their 33-inch LPs, or patch together audio tape (not cassettes) if you REALLY had money!

So lets take advantage of technology! Lets use electronic mixers, snow blowers, electric trimmers, and power washers to make our lives easier and save time so we can get to the fun! That is what this blog is about, hipping you to some technology that just may make your life easier. Gadgets that save you time, hence saving you money, hence getting to the fun part sooner! I mean, I could be doing this blog using a typewriter with correction tape, but I'm not, I'm using a computer keyboard erasing my (many) misspellings with a backspace key in less than 2 seconds! I have an iphone that stores my ENTIRE musical collection! I have an automatic hand dryer that dries my hands in 30 seconds without the need for a towel! I can put my pants on a press and have them neat and creased while I take a shower! Stay tuned, and join my mailing list if you want to know when I find something new that makes YOUR life easier!